Christian Brothers High School


1. "Obesity". Obesity.Ed. URAC. URAC, 2009. Web 21 Jan. 2010.


2. CDC. "Data and Statistics: Overweight and Obesity Trends Among Adults." Data and Statistics: Overweight and Obesity Trends Among Adults.CDC, 19 Jan. 2010. Web. 20 Jan. 2010.


3. Clay, Rebecca A. "Learning From Fat Mice." Your World: Biotechnology and You. Fall 2005: 14.


4. Dominguez, Steven. "Is This My Mother's Fault?" You Tube. Asthetic Med Today, Jan. 2010. Web. 29 Mar. 2010.


5. Dove, Alan. "Biotech Weighs up to the Options in Obesity." Nature Biotechnology 19.25-28 (2001). Print.


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